Monday, September 17, 2007

Excel 2007

I spent six hours today in a class to learn Excel 2007-a class that assumed I already knew Excel 2003 (which I do). Six hours! And we didn't get through all of the material.

Is this what people all over the United States will be doing, spending hours learning how to do something in a new tool that they could do (some of them expertly) in an old tool? This just reinforces my belief that technology just creates more "stuff" for us to do (backup disks, refrag drives, rewrite papers until they are perfect because we couldn't possibly have an error in them) or not (when was the last time I backed up my own drive I wonder?)

Well we may be the most productive people in the world but I'm sure it comes at a cost. We spend much too much time dealing with our "tools" and not enough time getting real work done. But then, that's just my opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I heard somewhere that work expands to fill the amount of time in which we have to do it...6 hours is amazing. I suspect I would have taken even more though!