There are days that I realize how much I will miss this job, and there are days when I realize that I miss teaching more. I find the relationships with students very rewarding, more rewarding and nurturing than sitting in meetings. I think my finest moments have been in the classroom, real or virtual, working with a community of learners, as we all learn something new, or see technology in a way we haven't seen it before.
I put together a "vision board" a year ago, during a workshop with Peggy Cappy at Kripalu. When I brought it home I found the collage that I did 11 years ago when I was on sabbatical and working through The Artist's Way by Julia Cameron. That collage has become my desktop picture; here it is:
My iMac Desktop: My Vision Board |
As I look at what I'm planning to be the last four or five years of my work life, I know what I want it to have: fun! I want to work with people who challenge me, support me and help me grow. The best part of this job has been the deans with whom I've been privileged to work, colleagues who have done just that: challenged me, supported me and helped me to grow.
As my colleague Fran learned at the recent SunGuard Summit at a talk by Jane McGonigal, the opposite of play isn't work, it's depression. I want to play at work and play at home. I just want to play. With a shout out to Cyndi Lauper, this girl just wants to have fun!
Stay tuned and let's see how this "plays" out. The best case is someone new takes this job. The worst case is that someone doesn't.